IV. Censorship
Censoring books and images, warning the public against forbidden materials, and enforcing bans through search and seizure took up a great deal of inquisitors' energies in the early modern period. Further discussion of sources relating to inquisitorial censorship, such as the indices of banned books, edicts of the various tribunals, and broadsides intended for posting in public places, can be found in the essay.
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The Inquisition Collection at the University of Notre Dame contains dozens of items relating to inquisitorial censorship of books, art, ideas and speech. Many other editions of the various types of prohibitory and expurgatory indices are listed in de Bujanda and E. van der Vekene, Bibliotheca Bibliographica Historiae Sanctae Inquisitionis (1966; repr. 3 vols. Vaduz 1982-92).
For more information about the collection, for appointments to view items for research purposes, or for rights and reproductions, please email us at rarebooks@nd.edu or visit our website.